Bound To Be
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To bound is to jump or hop — usually as you run. Bound can also mean to go or to plan to go, especially to a certain destination, as in being bound for New York .... Looking at it realistically, however, there are bound to be a few cases where, as information is relayed around the country, the promotion changes from that .... Bound To Stay Bound Books, Inc. specializes in prebinding children's books to withstand abuse and hard usage. HERE
bound meaning
Bound definition: Bound is the past tense and past participle of bind . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.. It's bound to be sunny again tomorrow. You've done so much workyou're bound to pass the exam. It was bound to happen sooner or later (= we should have.... In yeast, RACK1 has been shown to be present in both a ribosome- and a non-ribosome-bound form dependent on growth conditions (Baum et al... HERE
bound to happen
bound definition: The definition of bound is destined to happen or tied or secured physically or emotionally. (adjective) An example of bound is an accident.... "This train is bound for" be bound to. be bound to meaning, definition, what is be bound to: to be very likely to do or feel a partic...: Learn more.. I'll be bound definition is - used to stress that one is sure of something. How to use I'll be bound in a sentence.. bound toReverso Context-: is bound to, be bound to, was bound to, bound to a field, to be bound. 3
bound movie
Be certain or destined to; also, be determined or resolved to. For example, We are bound to hear from them soon, or No matter what they say, she is bound to run.... bound definition: 1. certain or extremely likely to happen: 2. to be seriously intending to do something: 3. I am. Learn more.. Define BOUND (adjective) and get synonyms. What is BOUND (adjective)? BOUND (adjective) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary.. The prediction is bound to be wrong. : . 3d2ef5c2b0 4
bound to
To be apt or likely to do something. We all thought that Doug was bound to be an artist, so we were very surprised when he became a trader on Wall Street.. She is bound for stardom. She is destined to be a star. It's very likely that she will be famous. He's bound to be upset if you treat him improperly.. be bound to . be bound to .... Equipped with a cover or binding: bound volumes. 4. Predetermined; certain: We're bound to be late. 5. Determined; resolved: Many public... Click